Please join me at School One in Providence (220 University Avenue, Providence, RI 02906) for a seminar class I’m teaching for GrubStreet: Providence on Monday, November 18, from 6 to 9 p.m.
The class description:
Becoming Your Own Best Editor
Every writer would benefit from a great editor, someone to read and evaluate her work and suggest ways to craft it into the best piece of writing it can possibly become. But professional editors are busy and look for projects that already have a high level of polish, so before submitting to them, you need to become a skilled editor of your own work yourself.
In this hands-on seminar, we will experiment with several different levels of editing. We’ll look at editing some of the “big picture” items, such as a piece’s overall message/story, structure, voice, or tone. We’ll check out how to evaluate secondary elements, such as sub-plots, characters, and point-of-view. And we’ll even examine some common mistakes made with sentence structure, grammar, and spelling—all those little things that are important to get right if we want our work to be taken seriously.
This class will show writers of both fiction and nonfiction how to become their own best editors, making their work marketable in the professional world.
This is a cross-genre seminar, applicable to any kind of writing.
Scholarships are available.
For more information, please visit this site:
Hope to see some familiar faces there!