…And then life interferes. In the past two weeks, my personal life has gone haywire to the point that I’ve had little or no time to review the edits from New Rivers Press.
My younger daughter, Laura, who’s had substance abuse issues for years, ended up in an alcohol/drug rehabilitation facility located outside of Portland, Oregon. I hate having her so far away and am very worried about her health and happiness, short-term and long-term.
Then my father died. He’d been suffering from medical complications due to dementia but his sudden death was still an unexpected shock. We are in the process of planning a memorial service to be held in Florida in a few weeks.
And today Duke, my twelve year old beagle and best buddy, is sick…really sick. He has a fever of 104 degrees (101 to 102.5 degrees is normal for a dog), won’t eat, and seems to be in considerable pain. We have an appointment with the vet in a few hours.
So, I have to ask Nayt at New Rivers Press for an extension on my edit review deadline. I hope the delay won’t adversely affect their production schedule, but I’m afraid it is unavoidable.