Saturday, July 23, 2016 / by Lynne Heinzmann

So, my workshop class was not wild about “The Wisdom of Elephants.”  They said that, although the piece was cleanly written and contained decent characters, descriptions, etc., it was overly-sentimental to the point of being maudlin.  Bummer.  Fortunately, they gave me many useful suggestions of what to do to repair the piece, but I think I have quite a bit of editing to do.



Eugenia Kim was an excellent alumni workshop leader.  She gave us assignments to do each evening, ones that taught us about specific elements of craft: character, setting, etc.  I took copious notes so hopefully whatever information I was unable to absorb at the time, I’ll be able to pick up when I reread the notes later.

While at the alumni conference, I MIGHT have made a connection with a literary agent, but I want to wait until I know for sure before I blog anything more.  Fingers crossed!

Yesterday, I wrote to Nayt at New Rivers Press, asking him when I should expect the new round of edits, when the galleys would be ready, and what the expected publishing date was for Frozen Voices.  Just a few months now!