Well, I did it! I just sent New Rivers Press my manuscript and signed contract for Frozen Voices. I guess I’m officially in trouble now! Actually, I am really looking forward to this whole process: working with the student editors and artists as well as the professional ones. I am curious to see what FV will come out looking like a year from now.
In one of his e-mails, Nayt asked me to start soliciting book “blurbs” from others authors, people willing to read FV and then write a few compelling sentences raving about the novel. After some internal debate, I’ve decided to ask Richard Hoffman, Karen Osborn, Hollis Seamon, and Michael White. They are all familiar with the novel and have been very encouraging about it, in the past. I’ll draft a request letter in the next few days and then send it out via e-mail, probably this weekend. I can’t wait to read what they will say about FV!