Kaitlyn published the website last night and then today, I sent out Facebook messages inviting people to check it out and let me know what they thought. I posted one notice on the Fairfield MFA Facebook page and another on my own Homepage.
Within an hour, I’d received over a dozen messages from friends and family, saying that they liked the website a lot. One MFAer, who I don’t think I’ve had the chance to meet yet, offered me some excellent advice about a few changes she thought I should make. I like her suggestions, agree with them, and think I’ll try to implement them soon.
I also sent an e-mail to Meghan and Company, telling them about the website/blog. I hope they enjoy reading the blogs about all of the hard work they’ve done and how much I appreciate it. What a great Team to work with! I e-mailed Kaitlyn’s latest cover design to them, too. Kaitlyn updated it yesterday, shifting the ship up the cover a bit. I really like it. I’m curious to see what the Team thinks about it and sincerely hope they like it, too.