Tuesday, November 24, 2015 / by Lynne Heinzmann


Tonight I had my second meeting with Kaitlyn, the website/blog designer.  She showed me the changes she’d made to the website based upon our last meeting. I like the website/blog even better!  It looks clean and simple, without a lot of links to this or that, and without a lot of clutter, which is a lot like my writing style—very straightforward. Since the last time we met, she’s added pages for appearances (none listed so far!) and contact info, too.

While she was here, Kaitlyn showed me how to manipulate the contents of the website/blog and sent me a Squarespace invitation so that I may update things while she’s on her trip to Southeast Asia.  She leaves Sunday night.  I sure hope I don’t do anything that messes up all of her hard work while she’s gone.

Kaitlyn and I also talked about the book cover.  She explained to me what she didn’t like about the composite I’d come up with (it was too busy/cluttered) and I explained what I was hoping to end up with as a cover (a striking image that captures the essence of the story).  She said she’d try to come up with another draft before she left on her trip.

I’d like to finish work on the website/blog and the book cover soon so that I may move on to working on other books, too.  I know there will still be a few more rounds of edits for Frozen Voices, but I feel like once we publish the website/blog and agree on a cover, the lion’s share of the work will be behind us.  We’ll see…