An old-fashioned Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!
Since I love writing and coaching historical fiction more than any other genre, I feel it is only appropriate for me to post this old-fashioned card to wish you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. And while I’m at it, here’s a vintage card to wish you a Happy Easter, too. (I’m not quite sure what’s up with the chicks in the car, but I liked the sentiment—“All Happiness for Easter”—and the wonderful nostalgic tone of the card.)
And an old-fashioned Happy Easter, too!
For my March Newsletter, I thought I’d thank some folks for letting me share my books, mention a few upcoming events, and then post some photos of our family’s Bluegrass Jam Party, which was held here at our home in February. I hope you enjoy the pictures of Chris—my sweetheart of a husband—as he shares his cooking and musical talents with our friends and family. He LOVES to smoke meat (ribs, brisket, chicken, or whatever) and he’s a smokin’ hot fiddler, too!
But first…
Wakefield Books: Book Signing
February 10, 2024
Thanks so much to all of the fine folks at Wakefield Books in the Wakefield Mall in—you guessed it!—Wakefield, Rhode Island, for inviting me to sell and sign books at their store. Here’s a photo of me with BC (the cat from But Cats Don’t Talk) all set up and waiting for the store to open for the day.
My friend, Jayna, joined me at the table as we welcomed people to the store, handed out homemade chocolate chip cookies (of course!), and talked books with many wonderful readers. Thanks to everyone who came out to see us that day!
Click HERE to purchase signed copies of books.
Beachwood Book Club: Frozen Voices
February 27, 2024
And thank you to the members of North Kingstown’s Senior Association’s Beachwood Book Club for being such a great audience for my presentation about my historical novel, Frozen Voices. As an author, I often work in a vacuum, alone with my computer, so I really enjoy getting out to speak with enthusiastic readers. And you had so many interesting and thought-provoking questions, too. Thanks! Beachwood Book Club—and all other book clubs—please let me know when I may come back and participate in another one of your meetings. Such fun!
ARIA Chepachet Local Author Event
Saturday, March 16, 2024, from Noon to 4 p.m.
If you are looking for something to do in Rhode Island on any Saturday from now to the end of July, drive on up to the Glocester Heritage Society Building—a.k.a. the Job Armstrong Store—at 1181 Putnam Pike in Chepachet to meet some local authors and buy signed copies of their books at the ARIA Chepachet Local Author Event. Every weekend, four authors will be in the building, talking about their books. I’ll be there from Noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, and I’d love to see some familiar faces!
2024 Ukrainian Egg Fundraiser for the Davisville Free Library
Saturday, March 23, 2024, from Noon to 3 p.m.
And then, to help out one of my favorite little libraries, I’ll be running the 2024 Ukrainian Egg Fundraiser to benefit Davisville Free Library on Saturday, March 23, from Noon to 3 p.m. If you’d like to support the library, please join us that day to make eggs (call the library in advance to register), or purchase one of the already completed eggs displayed at the library (481 Davisville Road, North Kingstown, RI), made by me or my family ($25 donation). If you live too far away to visit in person, call the library to buy an egg and we’ll be happy to mail it to you ($25 donation plus $10 shipping).
Please help support the wonderful Davisville Free Library!
See the flyer below for additional details.
That’s all the news for this month. Now, as promised, here are some photos of our recent Bluegrass Jam Party, featuring my husband, Chris, and other amazing musicians, family, and friends.
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Family and friends enjoying a delicious potluck dinner
Including ribs and brisket smoked—and sliced—by Chris
(Note: Fred, our beagle, hoping that Chris drops something!)
And here’s Chris singing and fiddling with other excellent musicians