Since the end of August, I’ve written twice to Nayt, asking about Frozen Voices’s publication schedule. Although he assures me that we are on track for a December 1st book launch, I think I would feel more confident about things if he sent me the next round of edits. I have not received anything from New Rivers Press since June and I am becoming somewhat anxious about hitting that date.
Chris, my husband, and I are scheduled to fly out to Moorhead, Minnesota, (the home of University of Minnesota Moorhead and New Rivers Press) for a December 1st book reading/signing. I am really looking forward to meeting Nayt and Meghan and all the other folks that have been instrumental in helping prepare FV for publication. Seeing the school and the NRP offices will be fun, too, to see where “it all happened.” Unfortunately, we won’t be able to stay too long because Chris and his band have a gig at 6 p.m. the following night, in Wickford, Rhode Island.
And then I am scheduled to have my Rhode Island book launch the following Saturday, December 10 at 2 p.m., at the Davisville Free Library here in North Kingstown. We’re planning on providing food and drinks and having a friend make a fancy Frozen Voice cake, so if you happen to be in the area, please stop by.
And then, Elizabeth from Fairfield University’s MFA program e-mailed me and asked me to do a reading/signing at the MFA winter residency on December 30th, on Enders Island in Connecticut. My event coincides with alumni day, so I’ll get to see a bunch of friends, too, as an added bonus. Should be fun!
I just wish NRP would send me the interiors or something so that I felt more confident that I’ll have a book in hand to sell at these events! I know I tend to worry about things...