So last week, I wrote back to Nayt at New Rivers Press, asking him eighteen questions about the pending publication of Frozen Voices. Yes, eighteen. I think it is fair to say that I am getting more and more excited about the prospect of seeing my writing bound in a real, live book. Just a few more months, now!
In his calm and patient responses, Nayt mentioned that he'd been having a problem getting in touch with the book's designer (a student) over the summer but hoped to reconnect with him, now that their fall semester was about to begin. If not, Nayt said he'd have someone from the art department assist with FV, who should be able to lay it out in just a few days. We still have to get through another round of edits and then the galleys before the book is ready for publication.
Nayt also mentioned having an authors' event at the school in early December. I'd really like to attend that so that I could meet the people who have been instrumental in bringing this dream to fruition: Nayt and Meghan and the whole team of students who worked so hard to make Frozen Voices the best book it could be. I asked Nayt to send me the details so that I may purchase my plane ticket and make a hotel reservation.
In case you were wondering... Yes, I have started working on my next novel. Its working title is Stained Glass Angels and it is about a mom who's trying to reconnect with her two adult daughters through a shared stained glass class. The book is still in its early stages, but I am excited about the depth of feeling that the writing seems to be capturing. I'll keep you posted on its progress.