Thank you sooooo much to Library Director Amanda Chapman and all of the folks at the Davisville Free Library in North Kingstown, RI, for hosting our Book Launch Party for The Curious Childhood of Wanton Chase (CCWC) there this past Saturday. Many good friends and family members—and some new friends, too!—turned out to help us celebrate the publication by Woodhall Press of our first book in the Rose Island Lighthouse Series.
At the Book Launch, each member of the Book Team (Marilyn Harris - Researcher, Julia Heinzmann - Illustrator, Michaela Fournier - Graphic Designer, and I - Author) talked briefly about her role in creating this book, which combines heart-warming short stories, historical details, original illustrations, and authentic period photographs to tell the tale of Wanton Chase, a young boy who lived with his grandparents at the Lighthouse from 1910 to 1916. After the presentations, everyone gathered for food and fellowship, and to purchase a signed book or two.
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the Library to make this a very special day for the Book Team!